Frequently Asked Questions

For any questions you have that you don't see answered here, please feel free to contact us at


Products ship within 2-7 days. We only show the inventory of plants that are ready to ship immediately. However, we take into consideration the weather and the day of the week that the product will ship in order to prevent plants from sitting in transit over the weekend.

Once packaged and shipped, plants will arrive within 2-5 business days. We aim to have all plants in transit for a maximum of 3 days to reduce stress on the plants, but ultimately it depends on the carrier service and the day that the shipment leaves our greenhouse.

A pot has one plant per unit, and a pack has multiple plants in one unit divided into individual cells. Pots are ideal for putting directly onto a windowsill or desk, or dropping into a more decorative pot or planter, while packs are ideal for repotting and landscaping.

You can find care details on each plant's Product Detail page. We also write monthly blog posts highlighting the different plants that we sell. For more detailed questions, email us at

Please refer to the USDA's website and enter in your zip code to find out your hardiness zone.

Each plant requires different water levels, which are further affected by variables such as weather and season. You may only have to water when the soil is dry, or you might need to water regularly to maintain moist soil. You can find care details and water requirements on each plant's Product Detail page.

Please unpack the box immediately or within 24 hours to let the plant destress from a potentially stressful transit experience. Depending on where you are in the country, your plant might have just had a very long journey. If it looks a little worse for wear, please give it a few days to bounce back before deciding that it's doomed.

Please take a picture of the damaged plant within 48 hours and send to We will refund or reship a new plant within 30 days of the plant's arrival.

Some of our plants and pots cannot be shipped due to their size. If you're local, these plants can be ordered for pickup or purchased in-store.